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Updated: 01/03/2025


FM Satellite Quick Reference Guide

SSB Satellite Quick Reference Guide

Status Page

Status Page

Status Page

AMSAT-NA Satellite
Frequency Summary

N2YO.com Amateur
Satellite List


Amateur Radio Satellite Tracking and Info

AMSAT Argentina Tracking Site

Satellite Terms


U/v - UHF Uplink or transmit and VHF Downlink or receive. Was known as Mode B.

V/u - VHF Uplink or transmit and UHF Downlink or receive.  Was known as Mode J.

V/a - UHF Uplink or transmit and 10 meter Downlink or receive.
Was known as Mode A.
AO-7 is in this with U/v every other day.


AOS - Acquisition of Signal.  Start of the satellite pass and when the satellite comes above the horizon.

TCA - Time of Closes Approach.  Middle of the pass at the highest elevation.

LOS - Loss of Signal.  End of the pass and when the satellite goes below the horizon.

Azimuth - Measured in degrees around your QTH.  Picture a 360 degree circle with 0 degrees being due north, 270 west, 180 south and 90 east.

Elevation - Measured in degrees above the horizon a satellite is from your QTH.  0 degrees would be at the horizon and 90 is directly overhead.

Tracking programs will show the Azimuth and Elevation of the satellite through out the pass so you know where to point your antenna. When working portable this is approximate and helps to track via signal strength rather than precise azimuth and elevation. 


Keplerian Elements or Keps as they are called are a set of numbers that indicate the orbit of the satellites.  These must be updated on a regular basis for our tracking programs to be correct. Elements should be updated weekly at a minimum.  Update methods very between tracking programs.


Doppler Shift - The change in frequency of due to the speed of the satellite.  VHF usually does not need adjusted if using the FM satellites but on SSB the shift is more apparent on VHF.  UHF on average is 10 khz higher at AOS than the satellites transmit frequency, on the transmit frequency at TCA and 10 khz lower at LOS. 


FM Amateur Radio Satellites (EasySats)

FM Satellites: Good Operating Practices by AMSAT-NA        PDF Version Here

SO-50 FM (Saudisat 1C) 
Country of origin: Saudi Arabia

December 2024 - 22 year of operation

Mode V/u FM Transponder - 250 mw                                      
VHF Uplink: 145.850  MHz FM - 67.0 hz tone
UHF Downlink: 436.795 MHz FM

Use a 74.4 hz tone to turn the satellite on if need be.
Once the satellite is on be sure and transmit with the 67.0 hz tone.

UMKA 1 (RS40S) SSTV Commemorating 22 years of SO-50 Ops



RadFxSat (Fox-1B)

Country of origin: AMSAT NA

Mode U/v FM Transponder - 400 mw                                      
     UHF Uplink: 435.250  MHz FM - 67.0 hz tone
VHF Downlink: 145.960  MHz FM

This station has found AO-91 to be intermittent at times.

PO-101 (Diwata-2)

Mode U/v FM Transponder
     UHF Uplink: 437.500 MHz FM  - 141.3 hz tone
VHF Downlink: 145.900 MHz FM

APRS: 145.825 MHz

04/2020: Active now on all US passes 

Satellite Info Here        Operations schedule here

You Tube Video and info about launch and satellite

LilacSat-2 (CAS-3H)

Intermittently active

Country of Origin: China

This satellite carries an V/u FM transponder and APRS packet  

Mode V/u FM Transponder 
     VHF Uplink: 144.350 MHz FM 
UHF Downlink: 437.200 MHz FM

Transponder is turned on Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 2200 UTC for 24 hours

AMSAT-UK Info on LilacSat-2        Transponder Schedule Announcement

AO-123 (ASRTU-1)
Country of origin: Sweden

Mode V/u FM Transponder                                     
VHF Uplink: 145.850 MHz FM - 67.0 hz tone
UHF Downlink: 435.400 MHz FM
Telemetry: 435.400 MHz

Satellite Information including Windows software for telemetry decoding

SO-121 (HADES-D)
Country of origin: Spain

Mode V/u FM Transponder                                     
VHF Uplink: 145.875 MHz FM
UHF Downlink: 436.663 MHz FM

Not being heard currently per the AMSAT Live OSCAR Page

International Space Station

VHF Voice                                                                             
     VHF Uplink: 144.490  MHz FM  (-1.31 mhz split)
ownlink: 145.800 MHz FM

V/u Repeater
VHF Uplink: 145.990  MHz FM - 67.0 hz tone
ownlink: 437.800MHz FM

APRS Packet
Up and Downlink: 145.825 MHz FM  1200 baud - Use Aliases of RS0ISS or ARISS 
Up and Downlink: 437.550 MHz FM (Backup frequency)

ISS Radios System Status

Detailed information about the new radio system

Radios will be off when spacecraft are arriving/departing and during EVA's

See my page centered on spaceflight aspects of ISS

See the great article in the December 2018 QST on working ISS and NO-84 APRS by Patrick, WD9EWK.

With an APRS handheld enabled radio you can beacon though ISS and see yourself on ARISS.net.  You can also send APRS messages to stations through ISS. 

List of APRS Contacts         ISS SSTV Blogspot

20 Years Aboard the International Space Station

Interesting Suitsat ISS Video

AMSAT Argentina ISS SSTV Diploma (Very strict submission requirements)

Making Contact with ISS    Crew Uses HAM Radio to Call Earth

ISS Fan Club for latest ARISS activity    How to work ISS APRS Packet

Please see my packet page for information on digipeating through ISS.

ARISS (APRS Heard Map/List)  Satellite Tracker (APRS and ISS)

ISS SSTV Events Information

Due to a computer upgrade in the Zarya module and the SSTV interface having issue and not compatible with the new computer system, no SSTV events will be heard for some time until this is resolved.

Received on 145.800 MHz.  Use RX-SSTV to decode the pictures.

Submit and view the ARISS SSTV Galary here (ARISS SSTV Award Only)

Apply for SSTV Reception Awards

ARISS SSTV Award            AMSAT Argintina Award

Russia ISS SSTV Award         Indonesian Space Explorer Award

FM Satellite Quick Reference Guide
Great article on working FM satellites by AMSAT
AMSAT Satellite Status Page

Getting Started with FM Satellite from AMSAT-UK

PowerPoint FM Satellite Presentation