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Updated: 12/24/2024


FM Satellite Quick Reference Guide

SSB Satellite Quick Reference Guide

Status Page

Status Page

Status Page

AMSAT-NA Satellite
Frequency Summary

N2YO.com Amateur
Satellite List


Amateur Radio Satellite Tracking and Info

AMSAT Argentina Tracking Site

Satellite Terms


U/v - UHF Uplink or transmit and VHF Downlink or receive. Was known as Mode B.

V/u - VHF Uplink or transmit and UHF Downlink or receive.  Was known as Mode J.

V/a - UHF Uplink or transmit and 10 meter Downlink or receive.
Was known as Mode A.
AO-7 is in this mode alternating with U/v every other day.


AOS - Acquisition of Signal.  Start of the satellite pass and when the satellite comes above the horizon.

TCA - Time of Closes Approach.  Middle of the pass at the highest elevation.

LOS - Loss of Signal.  End of the pass and when the satellite goes below the horizon.

Azimuth - Measured in degrees around your QTH.  Picture a 360 degree circle with 0 degrees being due north, 270 west, 180 south and 90 east.

Elevation - Measured in degrees above the horizon a satellite is from your QTH.  0 degrees would be at the horizon and 90 is directly overhead.

Tracking programs will show the Azimuth and Elevation of the satellite through out the pass so you know where to point your antenna. When working portable this is approximate and helps to track via signal strength rather than precise azimuth and elevation. 


Keplerian Elements or Keps as they are called are a set of numbers that indicate the orbit of the satellites.  These must be updated on a regular basis for our tracking programs to be correct. Elements should be updated weekly at a minimum.  Update methods very between tracking programs.


Doppler Shift - The change in frequency of due to the speed of the satellite.  VHF usually does not need adjusted if using the FM satellites but on SSB the shift is more apparent on VHF.  UHF on average is 10 khz higher at AOS than the satellites transmit frequency, on the transmit frequency at TCA and 10 khz lower at LOS. 


SSB/CW Amateur Radio Satellites

SSB Satellites Uplink is LSB and Downlink is USB unless you are  operating CW

FO-29 (JAS-2)
Country of origin: Japan

Published Operating Schedule can be found here.

Mode V/u Linear Inverting Transponder - 1 watt
     VHF Uplink: 145.900 - 145.950 - 145.999 MHz SSB/CW                              
UHF Downlink: 435.900 - 435.850 - 435.800 MHz SSB/CW  

CW Beacon: 435.795 MHz   

FO-29 Information and Status Here

Nothing heard by this station or on Live OSCAR Status page.  No recent reports on the Live OSCAR Status Page.

AO-7 (Oscar 7)  
Country of origin: USA 

Oscar 7 is a satellite launched in November 1974 that has returned to life during daylight passes. Beacons are very week. Mode B (U/v) most of the time.

Mode U/v (B) Linear Inverting Transponder
     UHF Uplink: 432.1250 - 432.150 - 432.1750 MHz SSB/CW
VHF Downlink:  145.9750 - 145.950 - 145.9250 MHz SSB/CW

CW Beacon: 145.997 MHz

This station found Mode U/V (B) to be active on 11/10/23.

Mode V/A (A) Linear Non-Inverting Transponder
       VHF Uplink: 145.8500 - 145.900 -  145.9500 MHz SSB/CW
10 Mtr Downlink:   29.4000 -   29.450 -   29.5000 MHz SSB/CW

CW Beacon: 29.502 MHz

AO-73 (FUNcube-1)
Country of origin: UK

Mode U/v Linear Inverting Transponder
     UHF Uplink:  435.150 - 435.140 - 435.130 MHz SSB/CW
VHF Downlink:   145.950 - 145.960 - 145.970 MHz SSB/CW

Telemetry Beacon: 145.935 MHz   SSB BPSK (300 mw day/30 mw night)
CW Beacon: 145.815 MHz

Information on the FUNcube-1 satellite can be seen here.

Telemetry Dashboard Software for all FUNcube Satellites

Telemetry can be decoded using the Dash Board software from the above website.

Nothing heard by this station or on Live OSCAR Status page.  Just telemetry on 145.935 MHz.

JO-97 (JY1-Sat)
Country of origin: Jordan

Mode U/v Linear Inverting Transponder
     UHF Uplink:  435.100 - 435.110 - 435.120 MHz SSB/CW
VHF Downlink:  145.855 - 145.865 - 145.875 MHz SSB/CW

Telemetry Beacon: 145.840 MHz   SSB BPSK

Download new FUNcube Dashboard for this satellite here

Funcube data is down.  Transponder activity in eclipse noted by this station.

EO-88 (Nayif-1) 

Country of origin: UAE

Mode U/v Linear Inverting Transponder
     UHF Uplink:  435.045 - 435.030 - 435.015 MHz SSB/CW
VHF Downlink:  145.960 - 145.975 - 145.990 MHz SSB/CW

FUNcubeTelemetry Beacon: 145.940 MHz   SSB BPSK

Download new FUNcube Dashboard for this satellite here


FO-118 (CAS-5A)  
Country of origin: China

Mode H/u Non-Inverting Transponder                                     
    15 meter
Uplink: 21.4275 - 21.4425 MHz SSB/CW
UHF Downlink: 435.4975 - 435.790 MHz SSB/CW

Mode V/u Non-Inverting Transponder                                     
Uplink: 145.805 - 145.835 MHz SSB/CW
UHF Downlink: 435.4975 - 435.5125 MHz SSB/CW

CW Beacon: 435.570 MHz
4.8k/9.6k GMSK telemetry: 435.650 MHz

Also has FM transponder

04/07/23: Nothing heard from this satellite on any of the three transponders and nothing heard on the CW Beacon frequency.

RS-44 (DOSAAF-85)

Mode V/u Linear Inverting Transponder
     VHF Uplink:  145.935 - 145.965 - 145.995 MHz SSB/CW
UHF Downlink:  435.670 - 435.640 - 435.610 MHz SSB/CW

435.670 - 435.640 - 435.610 MHz SSB/CW

CW Beacon:: 435.605 MHz



HO-113 (XW-3) (CAS-9)

Mode V/u Linear Inverting Transponder
     VHF Uplink:  145.885 - 145.870 - 145.855 MHz SSB/CW
UHF Downlink:  435.165 - 435.180 - 435.195 MHz SSB/CW

CW Beacon:: 435.575 MHz

05/27/23: This station found the transponder and CW Beacon to still be inactive.


SSB/CW Satellite Quick Reference Guide
SSB Ham Radio Satellites a beginners guide from AMSAT-UK