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Updated: 12/22/2024

If you live near a NOAA National Weather Service office you will have the opportunity to listen and track weather balloons. Locally here in Spokane, WA our NWS office just west of town launches balloons at 0400 and 1600 daily.  This seems to be a fairly standard schedule for most offices.  By using the web sites listed below you can track and view data from multiple balloon launches around the world.

SondeHub Tracker

Radiosondy Tracker Database

FaceBook Group: Radiosonde North America NWS Weather Balloon

Sonde's launched from the Spokane NWS transmit at 403.210 MHz FM.




Jordan, IZ2ZUZ builds these units.
They interface via Bluetooth with an Android App,
MySondyGo and will give real time data from the balloon.

MySondy Web Site

You will need to use Google Translate since the web site is in Italian.


My radiosonde RDZ receiver at my home QTH.  Low loss coax attached to a Diamond X-50 dualband amateur radio antenna.  It may not be turned for 403.21 MHz but I am consistently tracking balloons down to 1 or 2 degrees.  Furthest so far has been 65 miles.  See the Sondehub.org web site for my location in Spokane.

I have recovered three of these now.  First was done by knowing the approximate location per Sondehub.org website and doing a hidden transmitter hunt with my Icom IC-R20 and Elk Antenna.  The other two were using the MySondyGo and Android App.  These recoveries we saw them land.  They were both in open fields.  Will continue to recover more that land close to home.  Maybe venture further when the weather warms up and the snow in the mountains is gone.

Balloon launch from the Spokane National Weather Service Office

Balloon is about 3 feet in diameter when launched.  They are using hydrogen currently due to the high cost of helium.  Our host advised us he had heard it was as big as a two car garage when it bursts.